What are Fleets? Meet the newest Twitter feature.
If you opened up Twitter recently and saw an unfamiliar sight you are not alone. No, nothing is wrong with your account, instead you are looking at the latest Twitter feature known as “fleets”.
If you opened up Twitter recently and saw an unfamiliar sight you are not alone. No, nothing is wrong with your account, instead you are looking at the latest Twitter feature known as “fleets”.
Whether you are a seasoned social veteran or still wet behind the ears, the thought of creating or using social media profiles for your business can be daunting. As a general rule of thumb you don’t want to take on more than you can handle. While it may seem like a good idea to …
What Social Media Profiles Are Right For Your Business? Read More »
Social media gives businesses whole new avenues to communicate, gather and disperse information at little to no cost. For that alone every business should have a social media presence, however if you are still unsure as to why your business in particular needs an online identity here are a few more reasons: It Gives Your …
Why Businesses of all Shapes and Sizes Need Social Media Read More »
In today’s social universe it’s easier than ever to get your business, products and message out to the world with tools like email marketing, your business blog and social media. With the simple click of a button business owners and marketers alike can send content of all shapes and sizes out for all to see. …